Thursday, May 23, 2019

Thoughtful Thursday - Take Time

Good morning my friends!  It's time for Thoughtful Thursday again already. hehe.  I'm really liking where this month's "thoughts" have been taking us.  Do you?  So far we've learned a bit of basic yoga to loosen us up a little and help us relax more.  Have you been keeping it up?  I have! Especially when I'm having to sit still for a length of time.  We are doing a lot of driving through the rest of this month and the yoga stretches have been incredibly helpful to us. Yes, I've passed them on to my family! lol.

Last week, we were reminded to just breathe and take a bit of time for ourselves to regroup and refill our own proverbial cup, so that we can be a better person for those around us.

Today, I'd like us to remember how important those little fleeting moments can be.  While we're practicing our "slow down" by sitting in the rocking chair on the porch, we can have an incredibly meaningful conversation with our spouse or child.

How precious are those moments that don't cost anything and seem to be so insignificant.  One of my favorite childhood memories of me and my "Pappy" (my great grandpa) is the time we spent laying on the lawn lounger looking up at the stars late in the evening, watching for shooting stars and finding constellations.  It cost us nothing but a little time, and I know it was as good for my 8 year old soul as it was for his 80 year old one.  He was such a special part of my life, and oh! what I wouldn't give for just one more of those evenings looking up at the stars!

So, today's Thoughtful Thursday is this: spend a few extra minutes lingering in those little moments that can mean so much.

I'll bet we all have at least one time that we can recall, where we felt completely engulfed in a moment that was so small and yet so significant to us.  Feel free to share your story in the comments below!  Let's get to know each other a bit!

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend my friends!

Until next time,
Happy Crafting!

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