Thursday, June 6, 2019

Thoughtful Thursday - Fear?

Good morning my friends!! I hope you're doing well today. :-) Are you feeling good? Maybe you're a little apprehensive after seeing the subject of our "Thoughtful Thursday" today?


What does this word mean to you? How does it make you feel? When I see this word, I can literally feel my blood pressure increase.  My heart starts to race.  I get a bit edgy and concerned. I start to imagine some of the scariest things out there.

But, what if I told you that most of the time your fear is irrational?  When you have a fear of talking to people or a fear of heights, those can be irrational fears.  That being said, I'm right there with ya! I am TERRIFIED of heights! ACK!!!  But why?  Surely being up high isn't going to hurt me. It's the fall, or rather the sudden stop at the end of a fall that would hurt me.  So then, if I take precautions not to fall, there is nothing to fear and I am just as safe as if I were on the ground. Right?

Why am I sharing this with you? Well, because I want to bring light to our fears.  Let us think about what it is that REALLY makes us fear a particular situation.   The fear of falling?  The fear of failing or being rejected? All of these can be downright crippling, and can keep us from doing those things we want to do or that will help us succeed in life.

In business, the fear of failure and being rejected can keep me from advancing in my career.  It can keep me from finding new customers or from asking customers to order from me. But, what's the worst thing that can happen if someone rejects me? Truly.  The absolute WORST thing that happens is they say "no" and we part ways.  Why then, is there so much fear involved?  

I saw a video where Will Smith ( I love that guy!!) talked about FEAR.  It was INCREDIBLE and I felt led to share it with you today.  

What do you think about his logic? 



That's a wild concept isn't it?  If we let go of those irrational fears and take a chance,  we can open our minds up to greater possibilities than ever!

Image result for will smith and fear

So, today, I challenge you to face one of those irrational FEARS. Break it down to its simplest form.  Strip it of it's power and realize that YOU are in charge. Then, conquer that FEAR! And know that I will be right there with you, facing mine too!

Here's to us and being BRAVE!! 

I would love to know your thoughts on today's topic.  Please comment below and share something you're afraid of or how you conquered one of your fears. 

Thanks so much for stopping by today my friends!  I hope today's topic was interesting and thought provoking. :-)

Have a super fabulous day!!

Until next time,
Happy Crafting!

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