Wednesday, June 12, 2024

It's A Guy Thing - June 2024 ICS Blog Hop

Hello everyone! I've got a spectacular fun fold card to share with you today.  It's part of the Inspire, Create, Share "It's a Guy Thing" blog hop.  That means you're gonna get lots of great masculine project ideas today. YAY!!

My project is a really cool fun fold design that I found (somewhere) online. I tweaked the layout and made it my own using the Take To The Sky suite of products.  I absolutely LOVE the Adventurous Sky Stamp & Die Bundle with all the old airplanes and fabulous fonts! And, the coordinating Designer Series Paper (DSP) is just PERFECT for this kind of card! 

Are you ready to see it? 

Right away, the seriously COOL thing about this card is the depth created by the fun fold design and mechanisms. There are THREE amazing depths to this card!!  

Here are the supply list & measurements if you'd like to make your own: 

* Card Base: 5 1/2" x 4 1/4" (This is just a 1/4 sheet of cardstock)
                * Layer #1 Cardstock: (cut 2) 1 3/8" x 4 1/8", (cut 1) 2 3/8" x 4 1/8"
                * Layer #2 DSP: (cut 2) 1 1/4" x 4", (cut 1) 2 1/4" x 4"
* Card Front: 4 1/2" x 4 1/4" Cardstock (scored at 2 1/4" on the longer side)
                * Layer #1 Cardstock: (cut 2) 2 1/8" x 4 1/8"
                * Layer #2 DSP: (cut 2) 2" x 4" 
* Mechanism between the two panels: 10" x 1 1/2" Cardstock, scored at every 1 1/4" mark across
* Window Sheet Floating strip: 6" x 3/4" (you can do 6" x 1/2" if you like, or even 6" x 1". The width of the strip should be relative to the size of the things you're attaching to it. But the length will stay 6".)

Begin by adhering layers 1 & 2 together.  On the card base, you can attach the two skinny strips to the outer edges directly.  Before attaching the middle section to the base, slide the mechanism strip behind it.  The two center sections of the mechanism will remain flat and fit behind the center section securely.  Once you've attached that, it'll look like this...... 

To attach the card front to the base, use a little multipurpose liquid glue on a tab of the mechanism and then center the back of the front to the base lining up the fold with the edge of the mechanism.  

Fold the front over onto the mechanism and add glue to the other end of mechanism and attach the remaining section of the card front.  Now, your card front should "bobble" over the card base. :-D Fun!!!

Before attaching the layers to the card front, you'll need to attach one end of the Window Sheet strip to the outer edge of each layer. And then stick it to the card front. This will sandwich the ends of the window sheet and cause the strip to curve or "float" over the front of the card. This creates the third layer of depth to the card! Anything you want to look like it's forward on the card, goes here. 

Here's another card I did, using the "Beauty Of The Deep" and "Sea Turtle" stamp sets.  It was so much fun to make the sea turtle look like he's swimming through the ocean!  Don't you think? 

I hope you've enjoyed my project today (and the alternative sample too!).  Leave me a comment down below and let me know if you're gonna try this one out!  You won't be disappointed!  SO MUCH FUN!!

Don't forget to continue your way along the hop by clicking the NEXT button here and head over to Elizabeth's blog where you'll find even more fabulous masculine project inspiration!!

Thanks so much for stopping by today!!!  

Check out my upcoming classes (and classes TO GO), over on my
Facebook Calendar of Events. Registration details can be found under each class description.  Join us for some crafty fun!

What you see in the catalog isn't all the amazing products Stampin' Up offers! Click the image below to be taken to our Online Exclusive collection.  There's even more fun awaiting you there!

Until Next Time,
Happy Crafting!

If you would like to purchase any of the supplies I used on today's project, simply click an image below to be taken directly to my website. Enjoy!

Product List