
Monday, May 7, 2018

LOOKOUT!! New blogger on board!

Good morning all!  I say "all" as if I expect there to magically be thousands of you beating down the door to my brand new blog! lol.  Well, a girl can dream can't she?  Someday maybe. hehe.  For now, I'll just pretend that there are a lot of you out there waiting to see what I am going to share with  you today. :-)

Can I just start by being completely honest with you?  This is my VERY FIRST blog and blog post and I'm terrified! Why? I haven't a clue. lol.  It's like interviewing for a new job jitters. That's silly, isn't it?  Well, it's what is going on in my head right now. I have my trusty tinkerbell cup, full of coffee.  Ol' Tink never lets me down.  We'll tackle this first post together. Maybe once I get this one out of the way, the others will just follow suit. ha!

I should probably take this opportunity to tell you a little about myself, shouldn't I? Is that the normal progression of these things?  Ok, here goes.  My name is Dana Sullivan.  I am a Stampin' Up Demonstrator and have been only since July of 2017.  I'm brand new in that respect, but I've been in love with Stampin' Up products for many years.  I just LOVE THEM! I can't say enough wonderful things. :-) Truly.  What's not to love?  The stamps are AMAZING! The inks are AMAZING! Their papers are AMAZING! And ya know what? Their ribbon is AMAZING!!!  lol. That's right! I LOVE Stampin' Up products!! I really do! And if you've ever had them in your hot little hands, you know what I'm talking about! They're the best!

Ok, so now that you know I'm a Stampin' Up demonstrator.  And you know that I LOVE Stampin' Up products. And you know that they're AMAZING!!  Let's get to what this blog is going to be about shall we?  Yes, as you can imagine, it will definitely be about Stampin' Up! lol.  But I want it to be more than that.  This blog is going to be about me and my growth as a demonstrator, as well as being about demonstrations, tutorials, and samples.  I wanna share it all with you!  I suspect that very soon, you will know me well!

So, with that being said, I'm going to close this (my very first) post with a simple "Thank  you so much for stopping by and taking the time to read this".  I hope that you will leave a comment below for me to read. And I hope that we will get to know each other and make new friendships!  I'm really excited about this new adventure and am looking forward to sharing it with you!

Have a wonderful day!!
